-5.2 F
Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic many local nonprofit organizations were forced to cancel their annual fundraising events. The organizations rely heavily on these events to support their cause and budget. While some were fortunate to be able to move to a virtual experience, many could not. Our nonprofit organizations are also struggling due to an overall decrease in giving. With the local nonprofit directory below, you will be able to donate to multiple nonprofits that need your help in these uncertain times.

United Way of Fostoria

Community Support
Phone: (419) 435-4484 Website: https://unitedwayoffostoria.org/

Biographical Info

UWF conducts an annual community-wide fundraising campaign to raise support for 16 Agency Partners which provide health, education, income stability and safety net services to Fostorians. UWF monitors emerging and unmet community needs. It works to meet these needs through its community impact grants and in cooperation with local service agencies, government, schools, churches and businesses. The newly created Emergency Relief Fund enables UFW to respond quickly to assist victims during this time of COVID-19 pandemic. See First Call For Help Fostoria, a UWF service, for more ERF information.

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